Are You Always Feeling Horny?
What should you do if you are always feeling horny? I know that many women who claim that they feel horny all of the time. It happens to me too, and I think it has something to do with a hormonal imbalance. There are certain times of the month when I simply feel that I need to get out there and get myself a man. It is crazy, but I know that it is not a unique experience. A few of the other girls at our London escorts agency have got the same problem.
If you do find that you are experiencing a lot of hormonal problems, it could be a good idea to take a look at your diet. One of my friends at this London escorts service that I work for now, started to put on a lot of weight. When we talked about it, it became clear that she ate a lot of pork based foods. Although pork is packed with protein, it can also make a mess out of your hormonal balance and cause you to put on weight. Pigs are fed a lot of food high in estrogen which can cause weight gain. Now my friend has stopped eating pork, she has also lost a lot of weight.
Checking your diet is one thing, the other thing you should check out are what supplements which can help you. Since I started to take the supplement sage, I find that I less seldom lose my temper with the gents I date at London escorts. This is the herb sage. Many companies sell the supplement but you have to make sure that it is strong enough. Eating it as part of your diet is okay, but not really good enough. I take it twice a day, so I have to make sure that I take it with me to London escorts.
The other thing that many girls at London escorts have tried is homeopathy. It may surprise you, but to be honest, it really works. A few years ago, I never used to believe in homeopathy but now I really do. I have been going to see a homeopath on a regular basis and she has helped me a lot. I feel that I have bags of energy and really good about myself. Homeopathy can help many and is better for you than conventional medicine in many ways.
Balancing your hormones can be challenging and you have to be prepared to try different solutions. Working for London escorts can be challenging. It is hard to stick to a healthy diet and that is the root of many hormonal problems. I have started to eat a lot of organic food and find that has made a difference in my life. Has it stopped me from feeling horny? No, it does not seem to matter what I do. I constantly feel horny. But then again, some people would probably say that feeling horny is a good thing.
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