Barbican escorts Online
The Internet is a very important tool for escorts agencies. Now, Barbican escorts are planning on launching their new upgraded website within a matter of weeks. Nick, the owner of agency, says that he believes it will make a huge difference to the agency. Gone are all of the fussy photos and the small text. The new site is easy to use and has a lot of interactive stuff. You can use it to contact the agency and arrange both incalls plus outcalls. It looks so much nicer, says Nick, and I can’t wait to see what effect it has on business.
It wasn’t easy to put the new site for Barbican escorts together, says Nick. I did not actually build the site but I had to put all of the information together. It was a lot of more work than I expected it to be, and I had to stay really focused. In the end, I got a professional writer in to help me finish the text. It now sounds really professional and I am proud of it. I have for far too long underestimated the power of the Internet. It was about high time we changed all of that.
I sent all of the Barbican escorts to a proper photographer. He took some great photos and publicity shots of all of my girls. On top of that he did some artistic ones that will go on the home page and general pages. The girls look really great in them, and I got the idea from Victoria Angels. Basically, I wanted the girls to look like really hot lingerie models and we have managed to achieve that. The images are stunning and really set the agency apart from other ones out there in this part of the UK. There is no doubt about it – we look sophisticated!
After having arranged all of the photos, I put together About Me Pages for all of the Barbican escorts. A lot of English agencies only use very small write ups normally but I wanted something different. I checked out a couple of American escorts agencies, and they have lots of info about their girls. I basically wrote something on the same lines about each girl. The company who is finishing the site, indicated to me that this is really good idea for SEO purposes. I got all the right keywords and wrote the pages for the girls.
Of course, it is important to provide information on the services Barbican escorts provide as well. We focused on this a lot and got together a good information page. But, this is not the only thing that we did. We also put together a newsletter and you can now subscribe to our newsletter. Very few escorts agencies have a newsletter, so this is rather a brave and bold move from us, It will be interesting to see how many subscribers that we get to our newsletter. We will be publishing a new one every month, just to remind our dates.
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