Rochester escorts discussed openly about under-age Prostitution
Many Rochester escorts from are openly beginning to stand up against under-age prostitution, and we should all join the ladies who are brave enough to do so.
Under-age prostitution is a big problem all around the world, not only in Rochester. However, there are very few cities around the world who have escorts who are brave enough to stand up for the cause, even though it is a major problem.
Under-age prostitution in Rochester
Many of the under-age prostitutes in Rochester are illegal immigrants who are forced into prostitution by pimps and gangs from places such as Romania. It is a very difficult situation to deal with, and escorts often bring problems to the attention of professionals at a great deal of personal risk.
A lot of the pimps and gangs are extremely violent, and it is not unusual for under-age prostitutes to be personally threatened or even beaten by the people who control them.
Many of the under-age prostitutes can be found working in very shabby conditions and even a long road sides. It is not unusual for these young people to be expected to have sex without using proper protection, and they are exposed to many serious diseases such as HIV and sexually transmitted diseases. Some even have drug problems as their pimps often also sell drugs.
A lot of them do not receive any health care as they are not part of the UK Social Security system, and it is not until the police is called, under-age prostitutes finally get some help.
How to tackle the problem
The under-age prostitution racket in Rochester as well as other cities is difficult to tackle. Many of the young girls, and some boys as well, are smuggled into the country and there is therefore no record of their existence.
Most UK authorities stand powerless. As soon as they get one girl of the street, another appears to take her place. Sadly, many are sold as part of human trafficking chains and may not come from European countries at all. Their passports and identity paper are thrown away or kept by the gangs.
Under-age prostitutes are cut off from their friends and family and often live miserable lives. Many of them will never see their home countries again. Instead ,they are sold off to dealers, and may even be forced to appear in porn movies.
An Increasing Problem
With the freedom of movement within the European Community, under-age prostitution has become an increasing problem. Many of the girls are moved through several European countries until they finally end up in the UK.
The EU have no direct planes on how to deal with the growing problem, and somehow it appears it has more or less been swept under the carpet.
The future holds very little hope for under-age prostitutes but many Rochester escorts have now started their own campaign to help these vulnerable youngsters. These youngsters should have the right to go to school and decide of their own free will how they would like to live their lives.
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