Spending it all
Both London models and London escorts can earn pretty good money, but the question is – how do they like to spend it? My friend Karla and I would probably make straight for Dorothy Perkins or Top Shop, but I know for a fact that most London escorts would not entertain shopping at any of those establishments. You are much more likely to find them shopping at Liberty’s or Harrods for all of the latest designer gear and handbags. Karla and I may have to stretch our budgets a bit further, and might even be first in line when Tesco’s offer double value on our hard earned club card points. Still, we are happy.
London escorts are known to be good shoppers, and I am pretty sure that more than one of many of London’s personal shoppers, have London escorts as clients. When the girls are not working, they like to live it up a little bit and that includes buying good quality designer clothes and all of the latest accessories. Personally, I may have to contend with having to stand in line for hours in the Next’s Boxing Day sale, but escorts do not put up with that. They simply pop down to the closest department store and pick up that latest hand bag or Bruno Magli shoe design. A world away from my own at the moment.
All London escorts like to treat themselves to the best cosmetics as well. My occasional treat might be something from Elemis, but that precious jar of cream will have to last a bit longer than a month. Most London escorts would just be the entire range and that would include Genifique from Lancome. The vast majority of us would probably struggle to keep up with the shopping habits of London escorts and this is why the girls certainly appreciate their elite dates.
Mind you, not all London escorts spend their money of frivolous stuff like cosmetics and clothes. For some London escorts glad rags and hand bags come last, and instead they make smart investment such as property and good quality cars. One local lap dancers that I know was able to buy her own home at the age of 25 and she does not have the earnings’ power of some London escorts. Perhaps I am totally in the wrong business here and should be investing in a pair of stilettos and some lace knickers instead.
Most London escorts do very well for themselves and are happy to stay on their jobs. Some of them don’t even spend all of the money on themselves. A lot of the girls that I know also send money home to their parents and families on countries such as Poland and Ukraine. It is not that unusual for London escorts to support their families back home as well as keeping up with their jobs and London expenses. A lot of people probably consider hot cheap London escorts babes to be a bit less than smart, but you need to ask yourself who is the smarter. The girl with a doctorate who has to work hard for her money, or the girl who can enjoy herself at the same time.
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Leonardo da Vinci
1452 - 1519